November 17, 2014


The pecans arrived a day later than planned. Customers were calling and many came by multiple times before they were able to put their hands on the fresh pecans. These pecans come from Georgia and are selling for $10.25 per pound for halves and $10.00 a pound for pieces. We have another shipment arriving this Thursday. This is the time of year that we see lots of ladies and a few guys. While waiting for the pecans to arrive last Friday, Tommie Jan Lowery and Mary Hubbard spent the day visiting in the hospital, ate lunch at the Red Lobster and shopped in Hobby Lobby and finally toward the end of the day, got to take pecans home with them. Mary Hubbard was married to Morris Hubbard who was well known and remembered as a high school basketball official. He was also associated with Huntington State Bank for 41 years. When the bank opened in 1965, Morris Hubbard was their 3rd employee to be hired and later served as a director.

Geneva Ard just happened to be sitting at the Round Table when the pecans were delivered and was the very first customer to buy hers. Just a few of the other pecan customers that came in were: Carolyn Salas, Denise Myers, Deidra Pixley, Alicia Palacio, Susana Torres, Nita Hurley, Julia Jones, Pat Levens, Violet McDonald, Carolyn Stover, Mary Samford, Eunice Stephens, Wanda Matzenbacher, Pam Bowley and Sue Matchett. Temple Inland retiree, Jean Hamilton, stopped by during her lunch hour as she is now working part time at G/P. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Martin (another T/I retiree) enjoyed visiting when they came in for pecans, peanuts and jelly. Don and Dollie Whitaker came in with Dollie’s friend who had just finished decorating the Whitaker’s Christmas tree; they all bought pecans. Terry and Mike Gipson were in the area for a few days from their travels and happy to get pecans before they hit the road again. Driving from Apple Springs was Louise Hendry; from Livingston, Patricia League; from Corrigan, Dena Vance. Andrea congratulated Millicent Irish when she came in for receiving the prestigious

Two pretty ladies who have homes in Pine Crest drove to Diboll for pecans. Eloise Richardson and Dorothy Owen are both retired school teachers and enjoyed letting Andrea know that they both taught her husband Kevin Swor in school. Mrs. Richardson taught him in 2nd grade and remembers “he got into everything”.

Doyle Oliver and his brother, Ron Oliver, were dispatched to pick up Sarah Oliver’s annual order of pecans. Bro. Ron Oliver has been a Pentecostal pastor in El Paso for many years. They left and in a few minutes came back for more pecans. Bart Royal came in and bought several pounds of pecans; he loves to bake pecan pies and also gives pecans as gifts. Vernon Burkhalter bought pecans to give away and Earl Carr bought pecans for Joyce to cook with.

Enjoyed visiting with Jim and Sharon Morrison from Pine Forest, a town near Vidor with a small courthouse and population near 300. The Morrisons are the proud parents of Coach Blake Morrison, DISD Athletic Director. His mother shared with us her way of cooking tilapia with bread crumbs and orange marmalade…yum, yum!! Jim Morrison knew his son  would be a football coach when, at 5 years old, he saw Blake drawing “plays” in the dirt for his young team members. Ray Clary is mighty proud of his son, Audy Clary who received a scholarship from the University of Arkansas in Monticello to play baseball for the Boil Weevils.

Diboll is growing. Andrew and Traci (Parrish) Hall and two month old baby daughter, Sadie Elise, have moved to Diboll. Andrew is working on completing their home but in the meantime they are living with Traci’s grandmother, Ezzie Oaks, who is having a great time spoiling her great-granddaughter. Andrew and Traci moved from Glenrose where he worked for Riverbend Retreat Center. In January he will go to work as a service technician for McWilliams & Son. It was good to visit with Fran McGilvra’s sister, Sue and her husband, Tommy Butler from Hudson when they came in for Colorado pinto beans.

Wayne Hodges told us about seeing Marty Stuart in person at the packed Angelina College auditorium in Livingston. Marty Stuart is known as the “Keeper of Country Music’s Cowboy Couture”. Wayne and Charlie Mann traveled together and met Charlie Mullins, Gladys Mettlen, Vicki Mullins and son, Brody. All agreed it was a “high octane” program.

Mark your calendar for Ladies Christmas Bingo—Wednesday, December 17.  Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. with bingo starting at noon.  This year it will be at the cafeteria of the Family Education Center.  If you would like to help, contact Fran McClain at 829-2779 for food donations or Jan Wilkerson at 829-4817 for prize donations.  Then come and join the fun!

The Diboll Civic Club invites individuals, clubs, churches, and other organizations to help decorate Old Orchard Park for Christmas.  Lighted displays are being sought that will brighten up the park during the month of December between the 13th and 27th  I have a complete list of guidelines, please call 829-4040 and ask for Sandra so you can join the fun and be a part of decorating our beautiful Old Orchard Park for a drive-through Christmas attraction. We CAN NOT make this happen without your help!  

Jubilee Baptist Church on FB1818 in Diboll is having a Homecoming Sunday, November 23rd starting at 10:30 AM. Everyone is welcome to come hear the popular Narrow Road Quartet.

Saturday, November 29th has been designated as “Small Business Saturday”. You are invited to shop with local small businesses that day. Fill out the Scholastic Free Book Offer for Small Business Saturday® Book Redemption Card  (available at Poulands and other businesses) with your name and address and up to two (2) small businesses that you visited on Small Business Saturday® and a short reason why. For purposes of this promotion, a small business is defined as a retailer, restaurant, or non-professional service provider with fewer than 99 employees.  A Redemption Card may also be found at Each business you list means a free book for your family and maybe two books per household while supplies last. Fill in the requested information and drop the pre-paid card in the mail. The Diboll Business Association will certainly appreciate your participation on November 29th.

Time is running out for you to participate in the Diboll Business Association’s Christmas Cash Giveaway. Entry cards are available at City Hall, Library, DISD Administration building and Poulands. 20 chances to win prizes and $300 Cash for visiting businesses in Diboll.

Hope to see you at Pouland’s…’round the table.